Überfälle auf der Autobahn in Spanien

Mitglieder verraten ihre Geheimtipps: romantische Hotels, Herbergen mitten in der Stadt, günstige Hotels an der Autobahn, Sehenswürdigkeiten entlang der Route in den Süden (separat: unterwegs in Frankreich!)
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Registriert: Mo 11. Mär 2013, 22:29

Re: Überfälle auf der Autobahn in Spanien

Beitrag von Kiebitz »

Friends arrived fom UK a couple of days ago. They had prebooked the car with Goldcar and picked it up at Alicante airport. After only driving for approximately 10 minutes, they heard a lound bang from the rear end of the car. My friend looked in his rear mirror and saw the car behind, flashing his lights, beeping his horn and pointing to the back of his car. They pulled up and the car following pulled up behind them. My friend jumped out of the car and went to the rear of the vehicle, the other driver got out as well. The rear tyre had completely shredded, hence the bang. Then someone else appeared and went to the front of my friends car and told her to come and see the damage. We all know what happened next, he grabbed her bag and phone off the front seat, along with the other driver, jumped in their car and drove off at high speed.
I have heard of similar con tricks many times, but never one, which involved the rear tyre blowing out in the way it did.
First thing you have to note, they had only just left the airport and had not made any stops.
They must of been at the airport car pool, waiting for a likely target.
The hire car was new, with supposedly new tyres.
I have never experienced a tyre exploding, shredding and then coming off the rim.
How unlucky can you be, to have such a serious blow out and by pure coincidence, be followed by these two as....les
Did they put something under the tyre and if so, how would they know that particular car was due to go out?
Did they fire something at the tyre?
My friends thought there was only the driver in the thief's car, but apparently, the police say the passenger would of been laying down in the back seat.
Quelle: Moraira Connect - Facebook
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Beiträge: 1482
Registriert: Mo 11. Mär 2013, 22:29

Re: Überfälle auf der Autobahn in Spanien

Beitrag von Kiebitz »

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Diskutiere nie mit Idioten, sie holen dich auf ihr Niveau und schlagen dich dort mit Erfahrung...
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Re: Überfälle auf der Autobahn in Spanien

Beitrag von chris »

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